The Men From The Ministry

Transcription Service Series
Opening and Closing Announcements

Several episodes of The Men From The Ministry were recorded more than once. After the domestic broadcasts had been concluded, the BBC Transcription Service commissioned Edward Taylor to produce an additional series of fourteen programmes based on the scripts of some early episodes from Series 1 and 2. In these recordings, Deryck Guyler took the place of Wilfrid Hyde White. The revised scripts were completed in 1980, and presumably the recorded episodes were broadcast internationally. They were not broadcast as a series in the UK, and possibly also not by the BBC World Service. Searches in contemporary issues of London Calling have not so far turned up any listing of these episodes. If they were not broadcast on the World Service, a reason may have been the introduction of Yes, Minister in 1980, which would have reduced interest in earlier (and by that time somewhat dated) comedy programmes with a Civil Service theme.

On Boxing Day in 1990, "The Christmas Spirit", adapted from "The Magic Carpet", was broadcast on Radio 2 at 1:00pm in tribute to Richard Murdoch, who died earlier that year.
Deryck Guyler and Richard Murdoch
Deryck Guyler and Richard Murdoch
14/1 Boots (remade from 1/1 The Great Footwear Scandal)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. We're off for a spin in Government circles with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Yes, we're back in the world of the Civil Service, a world of selfless men devoted to duty in many, many forms, all of which must be completed in triplicate. One vital function is backing up Britain's defence chiefs, as they keep the armed forces ready for action.
Ends: Stumbling on as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Other essential personnel were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/2 Pardon My French (remade from 1/4 French Cricket)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. Once again let's walk the Whitehall way with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Ministry men are like navigators, who sail the Ship of State through a sea of problems and guide it finally up the creek. Most of their days are spent in dusty British offices, but occasionally the chance occurs to travel abroad and show off their languages.
Ends: Wandering abroad as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/3 Traffic Diversions (remade from 1/13 The End Of The Road)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. Let's take another kick at the seat of Government, with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. In the General Assistance Department at the Ministry, Lennox-Brown and Lamb can never resist a challenge.
Ends: Bypassed again as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/4 Watch This Space (remade from 1/2 The Big Rocket)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. We're off once again for a whirl round Whitehall with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. The role of Ministry men is clearly expressed by their ancient crest: two crossed memos and a bowler hat carrying a can. For these men hold grave responsibilities notably that of defence. Above all, they must ensure protection from an unexpected attack.
Ends: Lost in space as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/5 Birds Of A Feather (remade from 1/3 Strictly For The Birds)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. Let's take another sprint down the corridors of power, with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. We focus not only on those who work in Government offices but also on those who simply spend their days there. And especially on the General Assistance Department where even now in their office high above Whitehall, Lennox-Brown and Lamb are studying problems of aero-dynamics.
Ends: Spreading their wings as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/6 Where There's A Will (remade from 1/12 Problem in the Park)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. We're off for a walk in the Whitehall wonderland, with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. British civil servants are renowned for ability, probity, loyalty, and indeed for all kinds of tea at all times of day. But Ministry life isn't just a tea party. There are problems to face and puzzles to solve.
Ends: Turning to stone as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/7 The Country Caper (remade from 1/7 The Rhubarb Pirates)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. Let's join once again in the Government game, with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Ministry men don't know the meaning of the word 'apathy', and indeed are often baffled by other long words. But these are men of action, alert to the problems of economic progress and rising output.
Ends: Down on the farm as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/8 Ban The Wotsit (remade from 3/2 A Terrifying Weapon)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. Let's join once again in the Government game, with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Ministry men are often compared to corset fitters; they can push a problem out of sight by pulling a few strings. But in the General Assistance Department that eager young executive Richard Lamb is completely caught up in his work.
Ends: In the wotsit as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written by Johnnie Mortimer, Brian Cooke and Edward Taylor, and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/9 A Testing Time (remade from 2/7 A Degrading Business)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. Let's take another sprint down the corridors of power, with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Ministry men are renowned for upholding our traditions and upholding our liberties. Indeed, they hold up most things that pass through their hands. Nevertheless, Whitehall is always ready to accept new ideas and to harness scientific and technical discoveries.
Ends: Spooling around as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written by Brian Cooke, Johnnie Mortimer and Edward Taylor, and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/10 Pushing The Vote Out (remade from 4/5 Up The Poll)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. Let's take another kick at the seat of Government, with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Ministry men are like fitted carpets; when you get them in a corner they're hard to pin down. But at the General Assistance Department that eager young executive Richard Lamb is always up to date. If new equipment is installed you can be sure he has a hand in it.
Ends: Up the poll as The Men In The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written by Johnnie Mortimer, Brian Cooke and Edward Taylor, and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/11 Gone To Earth (remade from 2/12 The Hole)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. We're off for a spin in Government circles with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Ministry men work round the clock, in which position they can see when it's time to go home. But problems are never-ending and each morning brings a fresh batch of mail demanding immediate attention.
Ends: Carrying all before them as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written by Johnnie Mortimer, Brian Cooke and Edward Taylor, and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/12 Computaclanger (remade from 2/3 The Trouble With Cecil)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. We're off once again for a whirl 'round Whitehall, with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. When problems arise, most Ministry men know just what steps to take; great big long ones in the opposite direction. But the General Assistance Department is always ready to advise others.
Ends: Computerised as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written by Johnnie Mortimer, Brian Cooke and Edward Taylor, and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/13 A Great Convenience (remade from 3/13 A Slight Case of Demolition)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. We’re about to walk the Whitehall way with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Ministry men are often compared to tea bags; in hot water they stick together. But discretion is vital in Government work, and in the General Assistance Department Richard Lamb is an expert on matters of security.
Ends: Facing the high jump as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written by Johnnie Mortimer, Brian Cooke and Edward Taylor, and produced by Edward Taylor.
14/14 The Christmas Spirit (remade from 1/9 The Magic Carpet)
Starts: Time to meet The Men From The Ministry. Let's jump aboard for a Whitehall sleigh ride with Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley, John Graham and The Men From The Ministry, Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Christmas Day is a holiday, even for Government staff. Come with us to a deserted Whitehall, the snow untouched by human foot, the offices chill and empty in the winter light. At least they seem to be empty 'til the eye travels upwards, up to the top of one of the oldest buildings. Is that, can that be a lighted window?
Ends: Sharing the Christmas spirit as The Men From The Ministry were Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. Also featured were Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham. The programme was written and produced by Edward Taylor.

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This page was compiled by Gary Schajer, Vancouver, Canada.